200 90 minutes

Results of the Dermaroller – Microneedling treatment:

Called Micro-perforation or Microneedling, the Dermaroller treatment simply uses the healing mechanisms of the body, of the skin.
The results are impressive! A more even and radiant complexion, tightened pores, filled in wrinkles and fine lines and firmed skin, what more can we say than “It’s your best friend in all categories of anti-aging skin care.”

Who is the Dermaroller – Microneedling treatment for?

Because it’s so versatile, the Dermaroller cosmetic procedure brings an interesting array of benefits for all skin types, from 16 years old to 85 years old. The Dermaroller is often used to help reduce acne scars with younger skin. When skin breakouts become inactive, the Dermaroller accelerates healing while avoiding permanent scarring.

Around 27 years old, Derma rolling becomes the best ally in your anti-ageing quest. It’s effective and affordable. Whether you have youthful or more mature skin, this firming treatment rejuvenates all skin types.

How does the Dermaroller – Microneedling treatment work?

Call microneedling, Dermaroller simply use the body self-healing mechanisms. It reacts to the intrusion of micro-needles like it would react to any other skin penetrating object. But the difference is the size of the object – the micro-needle. The intrusion of tiny surgical needles (professionally designed) is sensed by skin nerve receptors as an injury stimulus. The needles are so fine and thin that tissue damage is unlikely. The skin integrity actually stays intact. However, this “nerve-stimulus”, transported by electrical signals, triggers the cascade of the healing process. Skin cells, in a radius of 1 to 2 mm around the pricking channel, release growth signals to undifferentiated cells. These signals in return stimulate the proliferation of new cells, e.g. fibroblasts to transform into collagen- and elastin fibres.
Certified by FDA and TGA (Dispositifs médicals Classe II)
Treatment offered for body and face areas.

*** Note that the purchase of your professional medical Dermaroller device (needle length adapted to your skin) is not included in the price of the treatment. Your technician will add it to your treatment at your appointment.  $125 + taxes.

Is it possible to stimulate collagen production with my Home Personnal Dermaroller ?

Yes, by having your own Dermaroller, you can maintain your results obtained in the salon all year long.
The Dermaroller that you can use at home has a very different action than the treatment recommended in a clinic. Designed to stimulate the skin on a daily basis (up to 3 times a week), it does not pierce or irritate the skin.

For the body, use it with :

For an ultra effective cellulite and firming treatment!

For the face, use it with :

These serums help and stimulate the reconstruction of tissues and collagen fibers. Radiance and firmness guaranteed!

Recommendation: 4 treatments