125 60 minutes

Foot reflexology is well known and not so well known…here is the definition according to Reflexology Canada:

Reflexology is the study of reflexes.

Reflexology therapies are natural therapeutic methods derived from this study based on the principle that there are reflexes in the body that map neurologically to other parts, glands, and organs of the body. Through the application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology therapy can:

  • – relieve tension;
  • – improve circulation and;
  • – support the body’s efforts to function optimally.

The most common applications of reflexology map the whole body to reflexes found in specific areas, like the feet, hands or ears.

At EQlib Medispa, your foot reflexology treatment is performed by Elizabeth Csuckly, a certified reflexologist. Take advantage of her skillful and precise hands. With the pressure and massage of the reflex zones located on the feet, the benefits of foot reflexology are felt on the entire blood circulation and lymphatic system. It is a preventive method of well-being and health that restores energy and balance to the targeted organ, in addition to the entire body.

Elizabeth enjoys working on her art with skincare products PodoSensé, a 100% natural and Quebec product.

Recommendation: as needed