365 • 60 minutes
ACS stands for Advanced Cell Stimulation. The ACS-PEN is the first of its kind. This “State-of-the-Art” device is unique and distinguishes itself from all other needling devices by its unique patent.
200 • 90 minutes
Call micro-needling, DermaRoller simply use the body self-healing mechanisms.
360 • 75 minutes
Rejuvenate your skin with IPL Intense Pulsed Light Facial : Photo Facial Perfection stimulates Collagen, Treats wrinkles, pigment spots, redness, acne
175 • 75 minutes
Microdermabrasion will stimulate the renewal of collagen, which will improve the quality and radiance of your skin.
price upon consultation • 30 minutes
Neuromodulators are a highly purified, naturally occurring protein that has the capacity to accurately relax the muscles to which it is applied.
Price upon consultation • 30 to 60 minutes
Hyaluronic acid has a chemical structure similar to sugar and is naturally occurring in your skin and other tissues.
145 • 75 minutes
Deep cleansing of the skin in order to eliminate the epidermis dead skin cells in favour of skin oxygenation.