Facial Cosmetics

10 mistakes we make in our beauty routine!

We all want to look our best. You have a healthy lifestyle, good daily habits and you do your best to take care of your skin with your beauty routine while trying to keep a natural look. 
However, sometimes make mistakes in your beauty routine that prevent you from getting the results you want. 

Hélène, your EQlib skincare professional, presents you with the 10 mistakes not to make in your beauty routine and how to avoid them.

Watch or read, some of you may recognize yourself in some of these mistakes.

Let’s dive into the heart of the matter.

English subtitles are available

Does Beauty Advice Work for Everyone?

You listen to your mother’s, your friends and sisters advice, and the tips given via social media but the results are not conclusive. 

Maybe their tips work for them, but you’re not having the same success. Maybe you follow every bit of their advice, but your skin doesn’t seem to respond like theirs. 

Unfortunately, these tips are often not very accurate. They may sometimes be a good indication, but some may make you make mistakes that greatly diminish the results of your efforts to have flawless skin, an incredible glow and a natural looking face!
Don’t worry, it’s never too late to do it right 🙂 

Do you have any idea how many people come into my salon and are worried about their wrinkles and skin quality? People forget that small actions can lead to big results! 

Wrinkles, pigment spots, dull skin, blackheads, dry and sensitive skin; all of these can be improved and controlled with a daily beauty routine to regain flawless natural looking skin. A beauty routine with simple gestures that, when repeated daily, makes all the difference to the quality of the skin and the natural radiance. 
But beware, it is the same with the mistakes we repeatedly make in our beauty routine. These can quickly make us lose the results of our efforts.

Mistake n°1 : Rinsing only with water

People will tend to rinse their face skin like they see in the TV ads, by rinsing with water, only using their hands. It’s very important to rinse your face with a towel or a facecloth to make a light exfoliation and ensure that all cleansers and dirt (pollution, dust, bacteria…) on the skin are gone.
It also helps to control the appearance of blackheads and stimulate the microcirculation that oxygenates the skin and gives it a healthy-glow effect.

Mistake n°2 :  Not exfoliating enough

People underestimate the power of the exfoliation in their beauty routine. Not exfoliating often enough asphyxiates the skin and slows down the renewal of skin cells. It’s recommended to exfoliate at least three times a week for normal skin, and twice a week for sensitive skin.

Of course, with an exfoliant, scrub or peel that is really adapted to your skin type.

You’ll get much more results from your serums and creams because you apply them on a fresh, clean skin ready to absorb active ingredients. It’ll also maintain your skin really well hydrated which also keeps your glowing complexion.

Mistake n°3 : Using tissues

There are people who use tissues, commonly called Kleenex, to remove their makeup, wipe their face or apply lotion. It’s important to know that most tissue companies make them with glass particles that can irritate the skin. 

So, it’s suggested to use what we call “cotton pads”, the small thin round cotton, either to remove make-up or to apply tonic lotion.
In addition, the transfer of liquids on the skin is much better.

With a Kleenex, the tissues absorb all the liquid and do not let it transfer to the skin. In comparison, with the cotton pads, everything is done super well :no irritation, good application of tonic lotion, perfect make-up removal and perfect hydration!

Mistake n°4 : Not washing your face in the morning

Not washing your face in the morning thinking that your skin is not dirty from the night before because you took your shower, put on your cream and then you went to bed. 

It’s a big mistake in our beauty routine, because during the night your skin secretes sebum, sweat and there’s formation of bacteria. The cream that you put on in the evening oxidizes during your sleeping hours. That means that it’s no longer active on your skin, and worse; it can block the pores, create irritation, completely prevent your day creams from having an action on your skin and in the long run asphyxiate the skin which will no longer respond to the care you give it in general.
So it’s very important to wash with, either a micellar lotion, rose water or a gentle cleanser, in the morning and rinsing with a facecloth.

Mistake n°5 :  Not doing your beauty routine at night

Yes! we all did it at least once! There are people who will take their shower, who are very tired, and then won’t put on their serum, their cream and their eye cream in the evening because they think it’s okay, they have done it in the morning.  

Remember that your morning beauty routine is meant to mostly hydrate and protect your skin from external elements: cold, heat, sunlight, pollution, light and therefore the day’s oxidation. This protection is anti-aging at the same time.
At night, during your sleep, your skin regenerates all its fonctions. So, it needs good and a lot of active ingredients to help it regenerate, build up hydration, new skin fibers as collagen and stay young for many years.

Mistake n°6 : Putting on your eye contour once a day

Not applying your eye contour cream twice a day. I often hear my clients telling me: “I put it on in the morning because I think it smoothes out the wrinkles, helps my puffiness and then I thought that was enough.”
Well no! Even though it’s the same product that you apply in the morning and evening, it’s important to apply it both times: in the morning, it’ll work to smooth and moisturize the skin and in the evening, as i said for your night beauty routine, it will regenerate, fill up the skin and stimulate the collagen rejuvenation.

Mistake n°7 : Saving your cream

Not using enough cream in order to save money.
I sometimes hear customers, who I haven’t seen in six months, say “No, I have some left” when I ask them if they have to renew their products.Knowing that with a good beauty routine, a jar of cream that you use twice daily should last about 3 1/2 to 4 months and a tube of serum should last 2 months, that means that they’re not using enough of their products . 
Sometimes, I also hear people say, “My eye cream, I use it every 2-3 days, I feel it’s enough”.

You have to understand that, to work effectively, you have to apply enough of your cosmetics to get the hydration and the results you expect short term and long term. In order to get the skin stimulation, if you don’t put it on, if you don’t use enough, or if you apply it once in a while, it’s like if you didn’t use any at all or hardly any. Your skin won’t react, won’t be stimulated enough and you won’t get improvement of your skin at any level. 
So, it’s like, if you’re wasting your money by doing it that way. 

It’s really important, in order to have the results you want, the following is true for the face and the body, to put on enough products whether it’s : anti-aging, brightening creams, cellulite body care, moisturizers, eye contour, and to use it regularly and in sufficient quantity.

Mistake n°8 : Forgetting your neck and decolleté

Since you are treating your face in your beauty routine, why not treat the neck, the decolleté and the earlobes. I always tell my clients to do the whole area because every of these areas age at the same pace. They’re exposed to UV rays and to external elements pretty much the same way. 

So, “kill four birds with one stone” : face, neck, decolleté, earlobes.

Treat them all the same way; cleansing, exfoliation, serums and creams to prevent aging, brown spots and lack of firmness. It doesn’t take more time and it pays off after years.

Mistake n°9 : Not wearing sunscreen

I say, you have to wear sunscreen daily, period.
Then, people question me: Sunscreen even when it rains ?
Even when it’s gray outside ? Even in winter when I don’t go out a lot ?
Well, yes! The sunscreen will protect you from UV rays, which are responsible for 90% of skin aging, but also from blue light, which is proven now to accelerate skin aging and brown spots.
Blue light is produced by your screens, phones, computers, TV. 

Sunscreen, also protects your skin from pollution, cold and wind that means protection against dehydration, inflammation, sensitivity.
It’s a complementary element to your beauty routine that is necessary to keep your skin young, have a flawless complexion, with no brown spots and a radiant glow!

Mistake n°10 : Not changing your beauty routine

Always using the same beauty routine for months or even years, poor skin!  I know some people love their products so much that they use them all the time, and they never change them. 

Let me ask you this: 
Do you wear the same clothes spring, summer, fall, winter, inside and outside, swimming and skiing? 

Of course your answer will be, no! 

So, same thing for your creams and serums, it’s very important to adjust your beauty routine according to your age and environment. Your skin evolves, your hormonal cycle changes, the environment that you’re in every day too, depending on the season, depending on your work and your activities. 
Adjust your beauty routine, it’s extremely important to have the best possible results. You will find that your skin stays moisturized at all times, glowing and youthful looking!

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