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Does Sunscreen Prevent Tanning ? : What You Need to Know
Summer is just around the corner and we're all excited to soak in the sun and get that perfect tan. But before you head outside, you need to make sure you're protected from the damaging rays. With the growing concern about skin damage and cancer, it can be confusing...
What’s the Difference Between Mineral and Chemical Sunscreen?
The importance of wearing sunscreen cannot be stressed enough. Sunscreen helps protect our skin from harmful UV rays that can cause severe damage, skin aging, and even skin cancer. However, choosing the right sunscreen can be a bit of a challenge, especially with the...
5 Beauty Essentials to Travel Light and Without Compromise: Don’t Neglect your Skin While Traveling
Do you feel like you neglect your skin while you travel? Having to choose between your favorite beauty products while you’re packing for a trip seems like mission impossible? I totally get it. I often see two cases scenario: #1 You have too many beauty products and...
Retinol for Beginners: How to Use it for Best Results?
As you may have seen on social media and the Internet, retinol is the new superstar. Named one of the biggest beauty trends of 2023 by Hey Discount, this ingredient generated more than 1,2 billion views on TikTok, 9 million Google searches and 600,000+ Instagram...
Why Is my Acne not Going Away?
When It Comes to Acne, There Are a Lot of Myths Out There. You may have heard that acne and its famous white heads are caused by poor hygiene, or that it's a sign of puberty. However, the reality is that acne is a complex skin condition with many different causes....
Dark Spots: 3 steps to treat them
Dark spots or pigmentation marks generally start to appear to people over 40 years old. The biggest external factor in the appearance of brown spots is sun exposure, but there may be internal causes such as hormonal variations as well. Beware! The appearance of dark...
How to Get Rid of Acne: Solutions that Work
Have you ever had acne? If so, do you feel that it is difficult to find solutions to get rid of acne? Do you know someone who is looking for solutions to their acne problem that you would like to help?Solutions to get rid of acneSolutions to get rid of acne are not...
The Seacret Story: The Best Cosmetics Made of Dead Sea Ingredients
The secrets of the Dead Sea with Seacret Canada The Seacret Canada brand has been around for many years, and one of the reasons for its longevity is the company's commitment to quality. Seacret Canada uses only the finest ingredients in its products, including those...
4 Recipes to slim, firm and fight cellulite
Aaaah cellulite...If it makes you feel better, you should know that 90% of women have cellulite ! Yes, you read that right: 90% of us are "cellulite sisters"! Tall, short, thin, plump: we’re all in the same boat. Cellulite is present and it loves women! That being...
10 mistakes we make in our beauty routine!
We all want to look our best. You have a healthy lifestyle, good daily habits and you do your best to take care of your skin with your beauty routine while trying to keep a natural look. However, sometimes make mistakes in your beauty routine that prevent you from...
Electrolysis Hair removal for face: What you need to know
Electrolysis hair removal is one of the few methods that is effective on all types of hairs, including fine hairs and all skin color, dark skin included. It is also a very safe method, with few side effects However, electrolysis hair removal can be expensive and...
Nutrition Consultant Tania, here for your Weight Loss Journey
In addition to beauty treatments and hairstyling, EQlib offers its clients the chance to benefit from a personalized nutrition program. To help them take charge of their diet, the sparkling Tania Joseph, an experienced nutrition consultant, accompanies people towards...
Barbara: leading EQlib’s marketing and communications
In 2015, Barbara Boyer moved to Montreal, making her debut at EQlib. Born in Le Puy-en-Velay in France, she first worked in the public service following her studies in communications and marketing. It’s by responding to an internship offer on the other side of the...
Jenny: the Wizard Colourist for your Hair
When she arrives in Montreal in 2003, Jenny Métellus doesn’t hesitate to sign up for a hairdressing course at the Académie Rollande-Germain, thus returning to the profession she first practised in Haiti, her homeland. Today, she’s an employee of the Dominic Quintin...
Dominic: a Hairdresser who also Takes Care of your Scalp
When he first started in hairdressing, Dominic Quintin had to choose between hair cutting for men and women. "You couldn't do both back then," he recalls. Forty years later, not only does the hairdresser handle all hair types, regardless of the age or gender of the...
Josée: Esthetician and Entrepreneur Dedicated to your Well-Being
From an early age, aesthetics and entrepreneurship share the heart of Josée Charland. Naturally, she decides to start her own business at the age of 18 after completing her training to become an esthetician. The outcome? With her friend Hélène Leblond, she’s now at...
Hélène: Beauty Coach and Entrepreneur
From an early age, Hélène Leblond knew she would be an entrepreneur. The only question was to know in what field. Through various experiences, a path was marked out: aesthetics. Why did she choose it? To take care of people and contribute to their well-being, that's...
Lash Enhancement to Sublimate the Look: How does it work?
Lash enhancement, how to have beautiful lashes Why do a lash enhancement? To give your eyes a beautiful look and make them shine, you can use some cosmetics or accessories that will help you do so. But before you invest in these products, it's best for you to choose...