Body care

Hair Removal : Laser or IPL ?

Hair removal, Lasers or intense pulsed light (IPL)?

Both have the reputation of being very safe and effective.
At the same time, some people think of them as two varieties of exactly the same thing, while others will tell you that they’re really quite different.
Given the number of opinions out there, which method is really going to work best for you if you are interested in hair removal?

Laser and IPL treatments are both equally great hair removal treatment. They are both effective with removing hair and they both use similar techniques in terms of their working principle: using light to heat up hair roots, and thereby destroying the follicle without harming the skin. This means that instead of the hair soon growing back, as with waxing or shaving, it’s removed permanently (although new follicles will continue to develop over time).

If you are fed up with shaving, then you should consider permanent hair removal. These methods have both been proven to be very effective solutions to keeping smooth and hairless skin for a long period of time.

While IPL and laser are the top hair removal options, it’s important to know their differences and what they can offer you. They are both safe and quick procedures that will leave your skin smooth.

IPL devices produce bursts of light that actually consist of a range of colors, while lasers shine in only one wavelength.

1/What Is IPL hair removal Treatment ?

IPL, which stands for intense pulsed light, is a popular hair removal treatment that helps kill the hairs, so they don’t come back. Unlike laser hair removal, IPL does not use a laser light source but instead uses a broad spectrum high-intensity light that emits light at multiple wavelengths. While laser devices emit one single focused wavelength to maximize follicle absorption, IPL covers larger patches of hair. IPL is like using a strong light bulb.
IPL works best for those with dark hair and light skin, as those with darker and thicker hair absorb the light a lot better so the results will show better.
It is a highly effective way to remove hair permanently, but because it is not as concentrated, it may require more treatments than laser hair removal to get the same results.

• It is less painful than other hair removal methods.
• It is more efficient than laser on thinner and lighter hair
• The strong light quickly destroys the root of the hair.
• It is very precise, affecting the hair
• Treatments do not take much time
• Adding treatment could be done to improve laser results on thinner residual hair

• Not effective on white, light blond, or grey hairs.
• Can not treat dark skin
• Uses more treatment than laser


2/ What is laser hair removal treatment ?

The main difference with the laser is that it produces a single precise wavelength of light that will go a bit deeper into the skin to kill the base of the hair follicles. The machine will produce individual little zaps that target a specific hair rather than a large group all at once. It is a narrow beam that is targeted precisely at the hairs intended for elimination. This treatment tends to be the quickest and most efficient form of hair removal due to the heat and intensity of a single laser.
Laser hair removal uses a type of concentrated energy, which is attracted straight towards the pigment of the hair. The laser treatment works best with those who have darker or coarse hair but can still work effectively for most hair colors. Laser treatments can be used to treat any body and face areas and all the smaller or more precise areas of the body. It is completely worth the investment. Individuals will experience long-lasting results with laser.

• Often permanent reduction after fewer treatments
• Fast
• Precise and treats deeper, so better for thicker skin
• Can be more suited to those with darker skin

• Doesn’t work as well on those who have very light, red hair or thin hair
• Not effective on white, light, or grey hairs.


3/ Laser vs IPL

Many can argue that laser is the better choice. However, they both have similar results. The laser and IPL treatments use a similar concept, with different technology.
The IPL is a less intense treatment but still creates impressive results.
Either way, patients will get to enjoy life hardly ever having to shave or wax ever again.
Both hair reduction methods are great choices.
To help you choose the treatment you think fits your needs best whether that budget or the type of hair you have.

Here is a comparison of the two:
• IPL is a more confortable option but may require more treatments
• Lasers are more precise because they are more specific at targeting individual hairs
• Both IPL and laser devices can be used below the nose, but only with care. And don’t forget, adequate eye protection should always be worn when treating your face, even when you’re going over an area well away from your eyes and NEVER treat eyebrows
• Individual IPL treatments take less time, but laser hair removal shows results in fewer sessions.
• Both can treat the same areas
• Both have different settings and can be adjusted to suit patient’s specific needs
• IPL attacks larger sections at once
• Being more precise means laser is more suited to treating darker skin tones


4/ Hair removal treatment : which is the best ?

How do you decide which hair removal method is best for you ?
Consider a complete consultation with a certified professionals.
The history of your skin health and genetic as, your hair type and skin tone will be evaluated. They are quite important. The professional will also give you advices and ask you about your life style : sun exposure, sports, medication, skin disease etc.
To finally provides you with information related to the area you are having done and how long it will take to see results.

Truly, both methods are effective at removing hair and allowing individuals to stop shaving and waxing !

Ultimately, now that you are well informed, our best advice is to consult a certified professional assessing your needs to guide you.

Helene Leblond


Sources :
– Laser vs IPL Hair Removal – Which One Is Better?
– The difference between IPL and Laser hair removal