Summer is just around the corner and we’re all excited to soak in the sun and get that perfect tan. But before you head outside, you need to make sure you’re protected from the damaging rays. With the growing concern about skin damage and cancer, it can be confusing to know how to protect ourselves while still achieving that golden glow.
A common question is : does sunscreen prevent tanning ? Here are some popular beliefs.
Popular Belief n°1 : Sunscreen Prevents Me from Tanning
Totally false!
Sunscreen prevents the harmful effects of Ultraviolet Rays but it doesn’t prevent the melanin production in the skin. This is why you tan even when using sunscreen as it only protects the skin from burning and not tanning.
What is melanin? It’s the natural pigments that are developed in your skin and that give the tan color. Melanin will give your skin that golden, caramel, brown effect and a healthy glow. It is simply stimulated by sun rays and infrared light.
However, sunscreen helps to reduce the risk of cancer caused by UV Rays. In fact, it’s recommended that you wear at least SPF 30 when out in the sun.
Prioritizing sun protection is a good way to maintain healthy skin. The production of melanin won’t stop when you apply sunscreen on your skin. Don’t worry, you’ll still get that beautiful silky tan if you wear sun protection.
So, NO : Sunscreen DOES NOT prevent you from tanning!
Popular Belief n°2 : Wearing a Lower SPF will Make Me Tan Faster
As we said before, sunscreen will protect your skin against harmful effects of UV rays and will not prevent tanning. So, putting a lower SPF isn’t worth it. You’ll tan very well with an SPF of 30 or 50. What will happen, is that the duration of your sun exposure will be modified with a 30 or a 50.
If you want to speed up your tanning, you should use sunscreen with tanning booster ingredients. That’s going to speed up your tanning. You’ll have a protected and safe exposure, while getting a uniform golden tan.
Two Types of Sunscreen
There are two main types of sunscreen on the market : chemical and mineral. Chemical sunscreens work by absorbing UV rays and converting them into heat, while mineral sunscreens work by reflecting UV rays away from the skin. Chemical sunscreens tend to be more lightweight and easier to apply.
Ultimately, the best type of sunscreen for you depends on your individual skin type and preferences, so it’s important to experiment with different formulations to find the one that works best for you.
Popular Belief n°3 : I Have a Tan, I Don’t Need to Wear Sunscreen Anymore
Totally false!
The most common mistake is that when you get further to the end of your vacation or the end of the summer, you’re tanned and have the impression that you won’t get sunburned anymore. This is totally wrong! Sunburn can still happen and the risk of skin cancer increases if you don’t wear sunscreen.
You should never forget to apply sunscreen after tanning. It doesn’t matter if you already have a golden color, it’s still important to wear sunscreen everyday and protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Remember, wear an SPF higher than 30.
Yes, even after months of tanning, every side effects are still present : there’re still dangers of sunburn, even if you’re less aware of it. So, remember that a skin that is unprotected, without sunscreen, will suffer from the harmful effects of UV such as aging, collagen degradation, wrinkles, fine lines, pigment spots, dehydration and perhaps even the possibility of skin cancer. You have to be very careful.
It’s very important to protect your skin all year round, regardless of how tanned you are! Sunscreen should be a part of your everyday beauty routine. So, don’t forget to put sunscreen in your daily routine and enjoy the sun safely!
In addition, it’s primordial to finish your tube of sunscreen by the end of the summer, because it’ll be expired next year !
So, no matter how tan or dark you are, always remember to wear sunscreen and stay safe in the sun !
Popular Belief n°4 : Exfoliation Removes My Tan
The exfoliation removes the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin which will give you the impression that your tan has faded. However, if you apply your moisturizer, a cream or an oil preferably, it gives a silky effect and it will revive your tan. On the contrary, exfoliating your skin will help you get that nice and even tan AND it will help your skin to stay tan much longer after summer.
So instead of stopping exfoliating at the beginning of the season, keep going as you do all year long. Your skin will thank you for it!
The Benefits of Exfoliating
Exfoliating your skin is an essential part of any skincare routine. This process helps to remove dead skin cells that can clog pores, leading to breakouts and uneven texture. Exfoliating also helps to improve circulation, which can give your skin a healthy, radiant glow. By removing dead skin cells, exfoliation allows moisturizers and your other skincare products to penetrate deeper into your skin, increasing their effectiveness. Isn’t that good news for you, struggling to get your cellulite creams to sink in?
Exfoliate 3 times a week, and apply a good moisturizer after. You’ll have an even, beautiful, golden and long-lasting tan when the season is over!